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- P M Prescott
- Family and Friends is my everyday journal. Captain's Log is where I pontificate on religion and politics.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Wednesday Challenge 021920
This week is exercise I enjoy.
I used to be very active. I grew up playing touch football in the street, basketball, tennis, baseball. I was good, but track is where I excelled. I was on scholarship and ran the mile and three-mile in college. It got me my education which led to my career as a teacher.
Coached track for a couple of years. When the shot put and discus throwers left me in the dust on the track I knew I was past my prime.
I was active in tennis and bowling, even did church league basketball, but arthritis in my hands stopped doing them.
I picked up golf. Coached JV at the high school and when I retired joined Albuquerque Seniors where we played different golf courses within a hundred miles of the city, as well as almost all city courses. The course in picture is Paako Ridge on the east side of Sandia Mountain.
Three years ago I fell and broke my right hand and severely wrenched my back. Doctor told me no more golf. I was more worried that I could still type on a keyboard, which I can.
I settled with walking my dog in good weather, which here is quite often.
That didn't give me enough exercise and I've started putting on weight. Taking insulin turns sugar into fat. I tried a Planet Fitness off and on over the years, but my back won't take dead weights or machines. Numerous trips to the chiropractor learned me to leave them alone. A treadmill is just too boring, same with stationary bikes and elliptical.
In January a Defined Fitness opened up a mile from where we live and it has a pool. Wife and I are now working out three to four times a week mixing it up with treadmill, seated stepper, which I love, a seated hand and arm exerciser, when I can get on it as there's only one. There's an aqua class every Tuesday and Thursday and it's fun. I love the foam bar bells, but the noodles and I don't mix.
Between the exercise and using a different medication that getting me to cut down the amount of insulin I've lost ten pounds and feel much better.
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Congratulations on your weight loss! Your gym sounds wonderful.
Swimming or doing exercises in a pool is a GREAT activity. I love it!
Off topic, funny you live where you do. My oldest brother lives in Albuquerque and used to work for Sandia Labs. It's beautiful there.
Keep up that good work on staying healthy!
It's expensive, but worth it, Lydia.
Marianne, it's a great place to live.
Wow, that's awesome! Congratulations! I found water aerobics to be great for my knees.
And for my back, Mary.
Good for you!!!! Walking and swimming are great. Wish we had a gym that had arm strength equipment. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine. https://www.tenastetler.com/lsrs-wednesdays-blog-challenge-2-19-2020-types-of-exercise-i-enjoy/
Aw, the pup is so cute! And congrats on the weight loss and getting your insulin down. My husband was a diabetic for 17 years and it takes a serious toll on your body. Enjoy your workouts with your wife. :)
My post.
At least you're trying. That's better than nothing. :-) Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your well wishes, Tena. That arm thing has helped a bunch.
Aymee, she's cute, but quite a handful.
Thanks for your comment, Megan.
Your gym sounds like an awesome place. So often I've been afraid to go to the gym because, well, people can be mean. You've led a very active life with so much variety. Love that!
Thanks, Dixie. By and large most everyone ignores each other.
I love the range of things you've tried out over the years! Glad you've found something that works for you and your wife.
Congratulations! Sounds like a good fitness regimen. (Also, cute dog!)
Thanks for coming by earlier and congratulations on the weight loss! I'm reaching "the magic birthday" this year and my new insurance has Silver Sneakers... going to be checking out the local gyms that are a part of the system. Will look for the machines you like!
Thanks, Berthold. Yes she is.
Hey, Judy that seated stepper is great.
Oh no! I'm so sad for you not being able to play golf. As a mad keen golfer myself, my heart goes out to you. It's such an addictive, frustrating but fun sport. It's good that you've found a way to exercise otherwise.
Cathryn, thanks for your thoughts. Glad you enjoy it.
Kudos to you, one has to do with what they can. I used to run, now I mainly walk, and ride my bike. My wife teaches aquatics classes so I do those twice a week. Yoga has been a lifesaver for me.
I'VE always liked hikes you've taken pictures of, Yogi.
Congratulations on your weight loss. I need to lose weight, but I'm terrible at it.
Tanith so far it's been easy. New drug for diabetes getting me off insulin is helping. The hard part comes when the body figures it out.
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