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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

WC 101420


Re-reading books: why or why not?

Yes I re-read books. Not all books. Most are one and done, but some are special. 

If a book takes me to a world or place I never want to leave, I'll revisit it a time or three or four depending on how much I love it. What I always learn is that no matter how many times I might read the book I find something I missed the first time and the book comes more alive.

Here are some books I've enjoyed on numerous occasions.

The Source by James A. Michener

I used it as a textbook in my World History classes.

The first 22 books of the Casca: The Eternal Mercenary series.

I have the first 22 books on audio books. When I'm having trouble getting to sleep I listen to one of them and I know them so well if I fall asleep and wake up a few chapters later its not a problem. The other books up to #52 I read on unlimited and had to give them back. I found these books to be well received by 7th and 8th grade boys when I was teaching middle school.

The Far Pavilions: I've read this four or five times, and fell in love with it. An English child growing up in a royal palace in India, who when forced to flee finds out his real identity and becomes an officer in the British Army and returns to India capable if blending in with the natives. The last time I read it I found there were too many pages describing the flora and fauna. Guess I've gotten fussy about that in my old age.

Kastania Chronicles: Just downloaded the 7th book in the series. I read them off unlimited and was so reluctant to send them back I bought them all, they're only $3.99. Every time a new is scheduled to come out I reread the ones before it so I'm up to speed. 

Tony Roberts also has a Dark Blade fantasy series and a Siren series about a modern day heavy metal band. I've re-read the Dark Blade series a few times too. The Siren series I haven't.

Asimov's Foundation trilogy is also a favorite. Amazing how it's held up so well considering it was written for a pulp magazine in the 1930's.

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Need I say more.


Tena Stetler said...

Interesting list. I've only read the Hobbit on your list. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine. https://www.tenastetler.com/lsrs-wednesday-weekly-blogging-challenge-re-reading-books-why-or-why-not/

Lydia said...

The Source does sound interesting! Thanks for stopping by.

Michael Mock said...

I do love your recommendations. I'm very much in favor of re-reading; my response is here.

P M Prescott said...

Middle Earth is quite something to re-read, Tena.

P M Prescott said...

Lydia, it's a very unique book, but full of wonderful stories and great history.

Tricia Schneider said...

Nice list! I've only read The Hobbit, but the others look interesting!

P M Prescott said...

Thanks for coming by, Tricia.

Nicky said...

Somehow I keep running into M.M. Kaye lately! One of those coincidences that seems to be the world telling you something, ha.

P M Prescott said...

Maybe it's time to listen, Nicky. Thanks for coming by.