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Family and Friends is my everyday journal. Captain's Log is where I pontificate on religion and politics.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

WC:121423 A day late

 Sorry, this is a day late. The question is: Gifts for people who are hard to shop for.

With my grandchildren, they live in another city, and we don't see them very often and don't have a clue. We give gift cards. Same for my son. About all we know of our eldest grandson is that he's in the Marines and stationed in Japan.

My daughter lives with us and it's giving her a spending limit as we go to Hobby Lobby. She is a crafty person that makes jewelry, crochets, knits, and does plastic canvas.

For my wife we set a spending limit and then go to the mall, and she buys what she wants, and I do the same.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Generally my wife and I don't buy each other anything. Sometimes we'll buy something that we both can use such as season tickets to the local theater hosting touring musicals, or something else like that.

P M Prescott said...

Yes, it gets silly after 40+ years to keep buying jewelry.