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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

WC: Fantasy animals you'd like to be real


That's and easy one for me, I want a fire lizard. Everyone is so caught up in dragons, especially since GOT. To me the most enjoyable books of Anne McCaffrey's Pern books were the Harper Hall books with Menolly as the protagonist.

Keep your fire breathing dragons, a nice friendly fire lizard that you can have a mental connection too is by far the best.

Another one would be the Luck Dragon from Never Ending Story. Not your typical dragon.

Then again there's Buckbeak, from Harry Potter. He may be a little too temperamental for the average person or family and with that appetite could be very expensive.


Lydia said...

Ooh, good answers! I’ve never seen Neverending Story. Maybe someday I should. :)

Kel @ rewriting kel said...

Ack! I totally forgot about Falkor, he would be a nice one to have.

Michael Mock said...

Good choices. A luck dragon in particular seems like a fine thing to have along, especially if you have to face off against the Nothing.

P M Prescott said...

Lydia, don't waste a minute, rent, buy it, stream it, but be sure to see this movie.

P M Prescott said...

Agreed, Kel.

P M Prescott said...

Absolutely, Michael.

Danielle Maxwell said...

I love your post! I also picked the awesome Falkor!

P M Prescott said...

He's a natural, a flying Cocker Spaniel.