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Family and Friends is my everyday journal. Captain's Log is where I pontificate on religion and politics.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Eat and drink

This week is the top ten things I like to eat or drink while reading.

1. Ice water -- I have to drink lots of water for my diabetes. It also lets me have a break every so often to get rid of it.

2. Hot tea. Not just any hot tea, though every now and then a good English Breakfast tea with lemon and honey is nice. In the mornings I take my pick from Twinings: Lady Grey, and Sweet and Spicy. From Bigelow I like Constant Comment, Lemon Lift, Earl Grey, Plantation Mint, then for herbal Bigelow is orange spice, peach and mint medley. I am not a coffee drinker.

3. Diet A & W root beer. If I'm being bad this is my guilty pleasure.

4. Peanuts.

5 Cashews

6. Almonds

7 Pecans

8 Mixed nuts

9 Pay Day bars, sometimes I can be really bad if my blood sugar is low.

10. Twizzlers, my wife always has a big bag of them and it's like leaving booze lying around for an alcoholic.


Donna said...

I love root beer!!

Lydia said...

I see we share a love of tea and many different types of nuts. :)

I drink a lot of water, too. It's so good for you.


Astilbe said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as diet A&W root beer. It sounds goods.

Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by earlier.

P M Prescott said...

Enjoy it, AT I sure do.

P M Prescott said...

Lydia, living in dry climate it's a must.

P M Prescott said...

Astibe, yes and its better than most diet sodas

Greg said...

I love A&W root beer! I could drink that all day haha! And mixed nuts have become one of my favorite snacks.

P M Prescott said...

Glad we have somethings in common, Greg.