Looked out in my backyard and spotted a yellow bird on the birdfeeder. Usually there are finches which have red on their chest and sparrows with pigeons pecking around on the ground. Once a roadrunner wandered around a bit looking for lizards and took a drink out of the dog bowl. Also have a squirrel that likes to grab some seeds on the ground. This one was different. Someone's parakeet got out and is chowing down, and chasing the other ones off it's perch.
About Me

- P M Prescott
- Family and Friends is my everyday journal. Captain's Log is where I pontificate on religion and politics.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
A Decade!
Berthold Gambrel posted yesterday that we've been blogging friends for ten years.
That was when I posted on two, this blog and my Captain's Log. I had a number of other blogger friends and they've all gone to blogger oblivion. I still have some bloggers from back then, but Berthold and I have had a real connection. He's reviewed a number of my books and I've read and reviewed some of his.
They showcase his growth as a writer and a vivid imagination. He writes in a genre that I usually avoid, but I've come to appreciate his mix of horror and science fiction.
I've also enjoyed his podcasts of his books, as well as discussions with other authors.
Mystery Man here's to another decade of friendship.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
TTT 092920
I'm pooped. Hard day today with lots of moving boxes and things. I feel as if I walked 18 holes in hundred degree heat and 90% humidity. Why I'm so late.
Favorite Book Quotes:
1. "The object of war is peace. Preferably a better peace after the war than before." Basil Liddel Hart Strategy.
2. "Behind every successful man is a good woman, and a surprised mother-in-law." Harry Truman Plain Speaking.
3. "You know, Satan has a bad reputation, but you have to say something good about someone who can control half of the world's population and all of the politicians." Mark Twain Tonight.
4. "Golf is a pleasant walk spoiled by a little white ball." Anonymous.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
WC 092320
Favorite things to do in autumn.
Cottonwoods |
Enjoy the colors.
Golf: No better time to hit the links. Winter too cold, Spring too windy and Summer too hot. Fall is the best weather.
Paako Ridge on the east side of the Sandia Mountains.
I broke my hand and wrenched my back in a fall four years ago and can't play anymore, real bummer.
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Every year, until this one, we have the largest balloon gathering in the world. There are balloons from other countries as well as tourists from all over the world. Every day for nine days there will be a hundred thousand people for the morning ascension and another crowd for the balloon glow in the evening with fireworks after words.
Taking walks in the morning. The air is crisp, not cold and the air is fresh. Alas the last few years smoke from forest fires have made this pleasant activity hit and miss.
Vacation. Since we retired we like to travel to visit family in Kansas and Oklahoma, or visit sites in New Mexico. This is a spider at White Sands, NM where we went last year. We stayed in Ruidoso, visited the sands. Drove through the Valley of Fire north of Carrizozo, which is a valley covered in lava. And spent time at the Very Large Array. Which is a radio telescope east of Socorro.
Apples: Orchards all over the state sell Champagne, Winesap, Jonathan, Rome, and Red Delicious varieties. There is nothing better than fresh apples by the bushel.
Hatch Chile. Red chile makes wonderful Carne Adovada or pulled pork marinated in it. Green Chile is great on cheese burgers. There is tourista that is mild up to fire eaters that will strip the paint off your car. Both make for great enchiladas, tacos, tamales, pasole, burritos, stuffed sopapillas.
Arts and Craft fairs. Many of schools in town and the State Fair Grounds hold them with all kinds of arts, crafts, food and you name it available. Alas, not happening this year.
For all the apple lovers out there. Free Ebook at Amazon. 09/24/20 through 09/28/20.
Monday, September 21, 2020
TTT 092220
Today's topic is my fall TBR list.
Tony Roberts has a new Casca book coming out. This was his last one.
He has another for his Kastania Series. This was the sixth the seventh is due soon.
Lastly another installment in his Dark Blade series. He finished his Siren Series.
Also waiting for the latest installment by Joseph Badal.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Today I made the decision to place my mother in hospice. She's been ailing since the middle of August. She's moving in with my family, and I have ten days before having to have all her belongings moved into storage from her apartment.
All that I'm going to have to do when she's gone is staggering. I expected my brother would be able to came and help, but he's out of state and New Mexico has a 14 day quarantine.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
WC 091620
Each book in the First Man in Rome series comes with a glossary at the end. Read it first. So much of the terms and Latin words and town names are explained there. Even after reading the glossary while going through the story I would check on some words and town or province names.
A fellow Wayland graduate, a couple of years ahead of me. He was a professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and fired as too liberal when the fundamentalists took over. This was his response. Typical professor using a ten dollar word when a fifty cent one says the same thing.
This book is another one where the author is impeccably impressed with the longitudinity, magnitudnity and importnatudnity of his own verbosity.
I also hate it when the author writes pages on the nuances of a foreign language word by bloody word of a sentence. He makes his case on Socrates's reasons for staying and dying instead of going into exile. I always assumed it was to get away from Xantippe's nagging tongue.
Friday, September 11, 2020
TTT 091520
Today's topic is about book covers.
There are some books I bought because something caught my eye on the cover.
A pretty face in uniform, a space epic with sailing ships in dark matter. I've read six of them so far and waiting for the seventh. The face is what caught my attention.
What caught my eye on this one was the color.
I bought this one because I like the title.The cover made me wonder what it was about.
I also blog with the author.
Sometimes some cleavage sells me the book. The subject matter interested me too.
Sometimes book covers get updated. They can be quite different. Which one would you buy?
Some authors have a theme going on in their book covers.