I am immensely enjoying Lydia Schoch's blog especially the Wednesday challenges. It makes me think about a number of things I've read, gives me the opportunity to write about them and learn about other authors and books to read in the future.
This weeks is my favorite non-fiction books.
Future Shock and Third Wave by Alvin Toffler. In the movie 9 to 5, most of the changes to the work places implemented come from the Third Wave.
Death of a President by William Manchester. I was ten when Kennedy was assassinated. I started reading this book on the tenth anniversary. It had a profound impact on me.
Strategy by H. D. Liddell-Hart
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
The Face of Battle, The First World War, A History of Warfare, Fields of Battle by John Keegan
I taught history for 27 years. World History fascinates me the most.
A number of plays, books and movies have come from this 4 box set:
The Conquering Family, The Magnificent Century, The Three Edwards and the Last of the Plantagenets by Thomas B. Costain
History books by Isaac Asimov: These are the most detailed, yet easy to read history books you'll ever find. Alas they were sold to libraries and not the general public and are scarce as hens teeth today.
The Greeks a Glorious Adventure, The Roman Republic, The Roman Empire, The Egyptians, The Near East, The Dark Ages, The Shaping of France, The Shaping of England
Elizabeth The Great by Elizabeth Jenkins
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X and Alex Haley
In theology: Eschatology or the study of end times.
I am not looking forward to the Rapture and don't believe in a literal thousand year reign of Christ on this Earth. I was before I read the following books.
Worthy is the Lamb by Ray Summers. This book has two parts. The first explains apocalyptic literature from books like Daniel, Ezekiel in the Bible and apocryphal books like Enoch. The second part is a detailed interpretation of Revelation. This book lays out the amillennial interpretation of eschatology. It's basis is that Revelation was written to people living two thousand years in the past and had to mean something to them. To interpret it properly you have to understand the context in which it was written
Victorious Eschatology by Harold R. Eberle and Martin Trench. These writers don't refer to their interpretation as Amillenial, but as Preterist and Partial Preterist, but they're pretty close.
Great list. Very thorough. Welcome to the blogging challenge. :)
That's a fascinating list, and I just added Keegan's The Face Of Battle to my TBR pile on my Kindle. (I have it in paperback somewhere, but it got shuffled into a pile during a move and I'd forgotten about it.)
Thank you Wendi and Megan
Michael all of Keegan's books are top rate. Face of Battle was the first one of his I read and it got me hooked.
I really need to read The Autobiography of Malcolm X sometime. I've heard a lot of good things about it.
Thanks for the comment Lydia, it's an interesting read, still relevant today.
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