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Family and Friends is my everyday journal. Captain's Log is where I pontificate on religion and politics.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Friend Now With the Lord.

 Yesterday a good friend passed away. It was sudden. For the two months I was going through radiation treatments, he was there for me giving me strength. He and his wife visited my mother when she was in the hospital with pneumonia and in senior living. He was the leader of our Sunday morning Bible study. I teach a Bible study class on Tuesday mornings and afterwards the group have breakfast at a local diner. Good times with good friends over good food. for years, even during Covid. We all thought he was indestructible. Three weeks ago, he said he'd been losing weight and loss of strength. Pet scan showed tumors all around his stomach. A few days after that he had a seizure and went into the hospital, He had a tumor removed from the back of his head four years ago and it had come back. He had an embolism, and the next day was bleeding from his side. It happened that fast. His obituary will have a long list of all the committees in our church and on the entire region (New Mexico and West Texas) of the United Methodists. He leaved a huge hole in our community.

Before Covid he took his truck and trailer to three elementary schools near him and collect the food they were going to throw away and took it to the Roadrunner Food Bank. After Covid APS won't let anyone do that anymore. There is twice as much need for this now as there was then. I've never known a kinder, gentler and someone who embodied true Christian love of neighbor in my life. He will be missed.


Berthold Gambrel said...

Very sad to hear that. He sounds like a really great person. My condolences.

P M Prescott said...

Thank you, Berthold.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Sounds like a really good guy who will be missed by all who knew him.

P M Prescott said...

He truly was.