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Family and Friends is my everyday journal. Captain's Log is where I pontificate on religion and politics.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

WC 011823 New Things I've Tried Recently


New Things I've Tried Recently,

Hmmmm, okay here goes.

1. Freestyle blood sugar monitoring censors. I got eight boxes with two censors in them without cost in July. Sixteen weeks later when I went to refill the Rx, they were $439, I entered the Twighlight zone of Medicare called the donut hole. I went back to test strips.

2. I've ordered a watch that says it tests blood sugar and other body functions. It was $150. It hasn't arrived yet, hope it's not an internet scam, but if it doesn't come soon, I'll report it to my credit card company.

3. Switched from android to iPhone. Got the watch too, before I ordered the watch above. It has taken some time to work out the differences, but I'm not fighting with Android Auto on my car anymore. Main reason for switching is that apps work better on the iPhone.

4. Planning on a trip to Charlottesville, VA, in October. Fontaine Maury family reunion. I joined their fb group page when I heard about this and have so far sold two e-books of I Maury. Wife's looking forward to meeting family members she's never met.

5. I'm planning to write a non-fiction book. I'm tackling the problem of simple math in theology. Like the three days of Christ on the cross. Duh, Friday night to Sunday morning is not three days. How old was Christ when he was crucified? A few plaguing quandaries like that.

6. I've started a weekly book review every Friday on this blog. First was last Friday.


Lydia said...

I’d never heard of a watch that tests blood sugar. That’s very cool if it’s true!

And I like the fact that you’re doing weekly book reviews now.

P M Prescott said...

Thanks for, Lydia. Look forward to your comments.

Judy said...

Let us know how you like the watches (and good luck... I'm always leery about ordering anything online unless it's from Amazon...lol). And I'm looking forward to your take on math in the Bible... can't wait! I'll check out your reviews. My post is here if you want to stop by.

Danielle Robbins Maxwell said...

Hi! I love your new things! My husband used those monitors until the next month also! The same thing happened to him; the price was too much! I will definitely look at your book reviews! How exciting! Please keep me updated on your book. I love the Bible! I think Jesus was 30 years old at the time of His crucifixion, I could be wrong, but I think I am close.

Kate Hill said...

I didn't know about the watch that tests blood sugar. I'll have to look into that for my Dad. I hope you enjoy your family trip and the new iPhone!

Priscilla King said...

I remember a book about the timing of the Crucifixion, but not the title. It was in our house when I was just learning to read and was fascinated, though baffled, by the math signs. Anyway the author's premise was that "the Sabbath" mentioned in the accounts of the Crucifixion must have been Passover, observed on a Thursday. If so Jesus would have been crucified on the Wednesday, thus being physically dead on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I hope this helps, though I don't have a link or author/title citation. (The book Dad had would have been in print in 1968, not necessarily for the first time.)

Tricia Schneider said...

Interesting list! I hope you and your wife enjoy the family reunion! My mom's side of the family has a reunion every June. It's great to see them and catch up since many have moved out of state.

P M Prescott said...

To give you a taste, Danielle, Jesus was 30 when he started his ministry.

P M Prescott said...

Kate, I'll let you know when it arrives how well it works.

P M Prescott said...

Pricilla, I've come to the same conclusion. It's the timeline from Palm Sunday to Wednesday I'm working on.

P M Prescott said...

Trisha, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for your comment.

Michael Mock said...

I'm very interested to know how that watch works out. Overall, though, that's a very nice list of new things. I'll look forward to your book reviews.

P M Prescott said...

Ooop, Michael, thanks for reminding me. In need to right one.

P M Prescott said...

Danielle, I am so sorry I skipped you. I'm glad that I'm not the only one hitting the donut hole.