Today's challenge is, what makes you pick up or buy a book?
1. It's recommended. I've bought a number of books mentioned in Top Ten Tuesday and Wednesday Challenge, as well as Berthold Gambrel.
2. The author. Tony Roberts, Mark Dawson, James Clavell, Tom Clancy, are recent authors that when they come out with a new book, I download it or buy it. I'm strictly e-book due to eyesight issues.
3. The bandwagon, if there is a current book that everyone is raving about and it's in a genre, I enjoy I'll give it a try. This is hit and miss. I've tried to read a book everyone was raving about and couldn't get past twenty pages.
4. The title or book cover catches my eye.
This is one, and I enjoyed it and all the others that followed.
5. Book by blogger friend or a local author I know from Southwest Writers or Writers2writers.
Hank Bruce, Dr. Irene Blea, Jonathan Miller, Joseph Badal, Paula Paul, Berthold Gambrel, Audrey Driscol and others.
6. Twice a year the downtown library in the basement lets you buy books by the bag at only six dollars a bag. My only exception to hard copy books, I pick hard cover where the print is bigger.
That makes sense to me!
Sounds good... and I absolutely love library book sales!
Thanks, Lydia
Yes, Judy, they are great. When I'm done, I take them back to library so they can sell them again.
Sometimes the bandwagon puts me off. It's that knee-jerk reaction of not wanting to do something that someone tells you to do. I get so tired of hearing about it, I don't want to see/hear it ever again
I love library book sales, but I'm also mainly steered by recommendations.
I'm naturally reluctant to follow fads too, Cassie
You get a lot of good books that way, Michael.
Library book sales are the best.
Marianna, I agree.
I'll certainly check out a book from a recommendation. Good choices.
Thanks, Tanith
I'm late on this, but thanks as always for including me. I am honored.
You're welcome.
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