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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wednesday Challenge 041322


Today's challenge is what's on my TBR list?

From this month's First Reads off Amazon is Druid by Jeff Wheeler. I can get two books a month free, but 95% of them are women's romance and I pass.

Amazon Unlimited has LOTR all three books in one e-book with the latest version.

I went to the main library here a few Sundays ago, twice a year in the basement they let you fill up a shopping bag of books for only $6.00. I got the hardback of Tom Clancy's John Ryan book 8, The Bear and the Dragon, and six other books. I can't read paperbacks as the prints too small now and I got only hardbacks. This book sells for $28.95.

I'm at the office and off the top of my head can't remember the other books.

I just finished publishing I Maury: Life and Times of a Rebel, and with some free reading time got through all 1,028 pages in two weeks. I've now bought e-books 9-13, Red Rabbit, Dead or Alive, Locked On, Threat Vector and Command Authority. At nine bucks each on Amazon I'm not sure number 8 was such a bargain, and the books number up to 24 or 25.

A book we're studying in grief group at church (mother passed away,) What Loss Can Teach Us: A Sacred Pathway to Growth and Healing, By Beth Taulman Miller. 

A friend from church recommended The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt.


Lydia said...

Druid sure sounds good!

Michael Mock said...

Those are some interesting selections. I've never really gotten into Tom Clancy, but I know a lot of people who swear by him.

(Also, my condolences for your loss.)

Shari Elder said...

Sounds like an interesting list. I hope you enjoy them.

Tanith Davenport said...

I've never tried Tom Clancy, but might be worth a look.