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Family and Friends is my everyday journal. Captain's Log is where I pontificate on religion and politics.

Friday, July 12, 2024

If I Was King

 The United States is at a crossroads. The Supreme Court in giving the Presidency immunity so that now the office has unlimited power just shredded the constitution. The president can now order Seal Team Six to kill anyone he/she wants.

Our choice now is do we elect an Augustus, who stabilized the empire and got it back on its feet after decades of civil war, or elect a Caligula, who is in it only for his pleasure.

This made me fantasize. What if I was in Biden’s shoes right now, what kind of executive order would I write?

Name, not nominate, four experienced justices to the supreme court to be installed the first Monday in October 2024. Move the court back to ruling for the people not oligarchs. Reinstate Roe Vs Wade.

Revise the Electoral college. Reduce it to only the number of representatives in congress and delete the 100 senatorial electors. That would cut the electoral college from 535 to 435. States like North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and others would have only 1 electoral vote not three. California, New York, Illinois, Florida, Texas, Virginia, Ohio… States with larger populations would have more say in who is elected president. The election should be about people not land.

Let the Dreamers become citizens. They’ve lived here all their lives; they are doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, scientists, and other productive professions. They deserve citizenship.

Make the rich contribute to Social Security. Elon Musk forced his stockholders to pay him 56 billion dollars after firing 15,000 workers. Making him pay FDIC would shore up the trust fund for many years, add the Waltons, and all the other .01% of the top 10% of the wealthiest Americans we would never fear it falling short of funds for millennia. It would barely make a dent in their Offshore Banks Accounts.

Stop all subsidies to major corporations. It’s not just oil companies that get federal subsidies. If those corporations are making record profits, they should pay taxes and not getting extra money out federal tax dollars.

Tax all religions. A church that gives over a certain percentage of their income to charity gets deductions. Small churches would benefit. Mega churches that can afford to pay their pastor 54 million dollars a year in salary should pay their fair share of supporting this country.

Put boots on the ground in Ukraine. All of NATO to put boots on the ground too. Call Putin’s bluff. Enough letting that aggressor cow us into inaction. NATO was created to stop Russian aggression. Its time make him pack up and leave. If he uses nuclear weapons, we’ll turn Moscow into a parking lot. The only thing that makes Russia, historically, back down is standing up to them with resolve.

Insert U. N. peacekeepers into Gaza. It will be their job to keep HAMAS from launching any more attacks on Israel.

Okay that’s enough of my ideas, if I were wearing the Purple. What would you do?

Thursday, July 04, 2024

They Got Us


In the movie Hunt for Red October, Jack Ryan and the Americans have boarded the Russian sub. Ramias is about to turn over the sub when a torpedo is fired at them, it misses, but it's not over. The Russian sub fires again and the radio technician says, "I think they got us." They're all waiting to die. Then he says, "Way to go Dallas!"

The American sub, Dallas, has moved between the Russian attack sub and Red October. 
I use this as an example of what we are facing in this election when America as we know it is on the line again.
In 2020 Bill Maher's editorial on Real Time was a lament about the late great United States as he thought Trump would win a second term and with a six-puppet majority on the Supreme Court, he would set up a dictatorship.
It was close, so close that the election came down to 75 votes in Georgia and Vice President Mike Pence biting the bullet and confirming Biden as the President.
Way to go Georgia and Pence. They were our submarine, Dallas.
If the secretary of state in Georgia had done as Trump asked or if Pence had decided to not certify the election Trump might have been given the Presidency by the House of Representatives. And we would have been fucked.
After the debacle of the debate Biden is on the ropes. Many Dems are ready to jump ship and are asking for Biden to bow out and make an open Convention. In other words, pure chaos. The media is screaming he is not mentally able to run the country. As if Trump is?
The tame Supremes have just given the presidency Carte Blanche. Now the president is immune while in office. This has made the constitution a worthless piece of paper and a historical relic.
If Trump is elected hell on earth will happen. Bill Maher and other comedians who have made fun of the pussy grabber will be taken out and shot on national TV. Okay worst case scenario, but never underestimate Republicans when in power.
Trump has already said Liz Cheney will be arrested and imprisoned. He will most likely go after Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Obamas. He can do that now without a trial as the Constitution's forbidding a Bill of Attainder is now null and void.
Justice Soto Mayor in her dissent states "There would be nothing to stop the president from ordering Seal Team Six to assassinate a political opponent."
Nothing would stop Trump from declaring all the elections of democrats as null and void and installing the republicans in their place, giving him total control of the House, and most of the senate.

Here is my greatest fear:
The Republicans have lusted after the Social Security gold mine for decades. 
Under Clinton they pushed for taking the trust fund and giving it to Wall Street. Congress raided the fund for 20 years to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
There would be nothing to stop him from merging the trust fund with the Federal and all who rely on their monthly social security checks are shit out of luck. The same for Medicare. That would be half of my family retirement and my health care would be caput. Wife and I would lose everything with a stroke of that mother@#$%$#&'s pen.
What is the most angering is that so many my age and in the same economic condition will lose everything by voting for the asshole or not vote saying voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. Or Biden is too old because he has trouble remembering things on the fly.
Compared to Trump he's the picture of sanity and lucidity. Can anyone make sense of his ramblings in his speeches?
Remember when in a speech on the 4th of July 2018, Trump said we won the Revolutionary war because we captured the airports? Or when he drew the track of a hurricane going the wrong way? Or a million totally bizarre things he's said, and the media doesn't doubt his mental fitness to run the country.
The Republican's torpedo is coming for us, will there be another submarine Dallas to save us?