Todays topic is: Stuff on my bucket list.
1. Golf at Saint Andrews in Scotland.
2. Visit England, Scotland and Ireland.
3. Take tour of Italy and Greece.
4. Tour Paris and spend a week at the Louvre.
5. Visit Boston to travel the path of Samuel Prescott, who actually made the trip to Lexington and Concorde. Then Bunker and Breeds Hill, where William Prescott stupidly fought the British.
6. Finish A Private Pain, now serialized on this blog.
7. Write a fictionalized history book on Matthew Fontaine Maury My wife's maiden name is Maury, and he's a prominent figure in her family tree. I've found his life fascinating.
8. Live long enough to see my first great-grandchild. Eldest grandson just turned 18, maybe...
9. Pay off my mortgage.
10. Live to be 100.
About Me

- P M Prescott
- Family and Friends is my everyday journal. Captain's Log is where I pontificate on religion and politics.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Monday, July 27, 2020
TTT 072820
Todays topic is a FREEBIE.
I'm going to offend some people here. I know that sex, politics and religion are taboo at a party and in a way that's what TTT is; a party of book lovers. To all the members who live outside the United States, I apologize. To all who are offended and support the money grubber in chief, my pleasure.
There's a book I read 16 years ago that rings true today more than then. Back then it was a warning of what was happening by a man who was on the receiving end of Karl Rove's dirty tricks. Jim Hightower was publicly arrested for embezzlement a week before his reelection in Texas. The week after the election the charges were dropped. He lost the election. One of the many ways the Republicans have been gaming the system to win elections.
The 2017 tax law, that none of the members of congress were allowed to read before voting on it, raising taxes on the working class and gave the wealthy trillions in tax cuts, the pandemic relief bill that gave the average tax payer $1,200 dollars and major corporations got billions, many received funds like the cruise lines that aren't U.S. corporations.
Today with Portland being invaded by Trump's storm troopers and now Albuquerque has 35 of them, when we aren't even having protests. It's spot on. The title says it all.
As Hightower says it's time to get rid of the Congress Critters.
I'm going to offend some people here. I know that sex, politics and religion are taboo at a party and in a way that's what TTT is; a party of book lovers. To all the members who live outside the United States, I apologize. To all who are offended and support the money grubber in chief, my pleasure.
There's a book I read 16 years ago that rings true today more than then. Back then it was a warning of what was happening by a man who was on the receiving end of Karl Rove's dirty tricks. Jim Hightower was publicly arrested for embezzlement a week before his reelection in Texas. The week after the election the charges were dropped. He lost the election. One of the many ways the Republicans have been gaming the system to win elections.
The 2017 tax law, that none of the members of congress were allowed to read before voting on it, raising taxes on the working class and gave the wealthy trillions in tax cuts, the pandemic relief bill that gave the average tax payer $1,200 dollars and major corporations got billions, many received funds like the cruise lines that aren't U.S. corporations.
Today with Portland being invaded by Trump's storm troopers and now Albuquerque has 35 of them, when we aren't even having protests. It's spot on. The title says it all.
As Hightower says it's time to get rid of the Congress Critters.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
A Private Pain Chapter 3
But Behold!
As I lay down to die
Hunters from space I did spy
They entered my cave
Trying to be brave
I tried to fight,
But my strength was light.
With all strength spent
Humbly along I went
To their hideous city
Where they showed no pity.
They put me in a secluded room
Where I waited my doom
They cursed me with warmth and
Until my health was normal and
I wondered and my thoughts did
On those who killed us without
just cause
Should bring me back to life
When I did not wish to live
without my wife.
# # # # #
Planet Able was over twice
the size of Terra Prime. Doing an in-depth survey of the four continents wouldn’t
be easy. One thing the ministry of reclamation hoped for was a spot or spots that
hid and supported life.
Scanners were sent out to search out any tiny
spot where vegetation still existed. North Able, South Able, East Able and West
Able were thoroughly plotted and scanned. Possible sites were pinpointed, and
search parties dispatched.
On West Able halfway
up the planet’s highest mountain a valley was discovered showing greenery. Commander
Maury led the expedition. He wanted to see for himself if life still existed
and could be used to resuscitate the planet.
The shuttle
craft was buffeted by 120 mile per hour winds and thick sand. Nearly half the
planet’s surface was in the air swirling in the high winds. Maury felt despair.
Writing in his log: How can we even attempt to make this planet habitable
again under such conditions?
A thousand feet
below the valley the winds died down. The dust and sand abated. The valley was ten
miles in length and five miles at its greatest width. A pin prick on the planet
Landing in a lush meadow with a flowing stream
the area was missing farmers. Crops were near harvest, trees were plentiful,
flowers bloomed. The air smelled fresh and sweet. Small animals, insects, fish
and other life forms were present, but none of the sentient inhabitants or farmers.
The scientists
started taking samples of all the life forms, hoping that they would discover
the needed nutrients to revitalize the planet. Some fanned out to photograph
and catalogue what was left of life on this planet. Others started exploring
the mountain above the valley and below it. There were thousands of caves.
A month later
reports came in that there appeared to be indigenous life forms inhabiting the
caves in four different directions. “They appear to be hiding from us. As we
get closer, they flee.” First Sergeant, Shanika Aziri, one of the explorers told
the commander,” She rushed up and blurted it out not respecting protocol.
Three months
later came bad news. Captain Mahmoud Jabbar reported, “We discovered the remains
of six farmers. Their tails were intact. From indications they died around two weeks
ago from dehydration.”
Maury looked at
the body bags, they can be cloned as are the other species presently growing in
artificial wombs, but they needed live ones to explain their special needs and
educate the children.
Openly weeping,
“I don’t blame them,” Maury spoke to the assembled group. “They were hunted down
to extinction like the Spikers on Orion Prime, the Uberkise on Taurus Prime and
other species all over this galaxy. We in the Prime Command thought this
problem was under control, but somehow it still plagues us.”
Jabbar spoke, “Sir,
give us a few more days, we might still find some alive.”
“Are all the
other teams finished with their assignments?” Maury asked.
Raj Digingi,
the second in command nodded, “Yes, commander.”
“Major, he
addressed Raj, “Pack up and send the shuttle back with all your specimens.” He
looked at Jabbar, “Captain you have one week to find one of them alive,” he
paused, “If you can’t find one by then it’s too late anyway.”
scanners penetrated cave after cave. Some were little more than a hole in the
limestone while others went thousands of feet into granite. The explorers were
two days from recall and leaving the area forever.
“I found an image,”
Shanika radioed base camp. She fired a flare marking the spot and entered the
cave. Crawling on her stomach for ten feet through a narrow spot she emerged
into a large chamber. Lying to her right was a dead farmer, but recently
deceased as decomp hadn’t started. Another one was holding arms around the dead
one and shaking.
She moved
towards what appeared to be a female as there were enlarged breasts. The farmer
quickly swung its six-foot ivory tail lashing it out at her. Shanika backed away
feeling air whizzing by her as it narrowly missed.
The farmer
fell, sides heaving and looked like it spent its last reserves of energy with
the attack.
Speaking into
the com, “Have found one farmer still alive, need emergency response team ASAP.”
She took out
her water bottle and slowly moved closer to the farmer. There wasn’t a mouth. A
head with eyes, breathing holes, but no mouth or ears. She stopped perplexed. Small
hands rose to the bottle and snatched it from hers. The lid was already open,
and the liquid spilled onto the farmer’s body. It was immediately absorbed into
its fur. She could see the farmer take a bigger breath.
Lifting the
bottle higher is poured half of it onto its fur, then moved to the dead one
emptying the bottle on it. There was no reaction.
The farmer threw
the empty bottle at her and started to swing the tail again. Its hands were
flailing about and the eyes were staring daggers at her.
Backing away
she could hear the rescue squad trying to crawl through the bottleneck. She went
back where the opening enlarged, “Don’t try to crawl through,” she said. “It’s
only ten feet long and limestone, bring in laser cutters and enlarge it.” Pausing
for a second, “Slide me four or five water bottles.”
The bottles
came through and she took off the lid of one and extended it to the farmer.
Their hands touched. It was like being struck by an ion storm. She felt the
anger and hate expressed by eyes. It burned into her arms and legs settling into
her stomach making her retch. Breaking contact she went back to the opening to
catch her breath.
Feeling the
heat of the laser cutters she went to a neutral spot of the cave. She saw the
farmer try to hydrate the dead one to no avail. Again, it shook and focused all
its hate on her. She slid the other bottles towards it. The farmer twisted the top off of the next bottle and poured it onto its fur. She could see it gain strength.
“Hurry up guys,
this thing is starting to recover and it’s looking at me like I’m lunch. I guess
I’m lucky it doesn’t have a mouth and teeth, at least that I can see so far.”
With a crack huge
chunks of Limestone melted and dropped on the cave floor. A ten-foot tunnel was
now open. The farmer shrank back to its dead mate and quivered.
“Be wary of the
tail,” Shanika told them. Even nearly dead it is quick and powerful.”
the farmer didn’t put up a fight. It left the other one and walked toward them.
It reached out and touched Shanika.
I know you mean me no harm.
She stood
absorbing the thoughts of this man. Turning to the group, “They communicate by
touch. I can understand his thoughts.” Shaking her head. “His name is Niqmiepu,
he may have tits, but this one is male, He is called “the nurturer.” The other
one is Ishme. She’s the mother.” Pointing at the closest member of the rescue
squad, “Treat her with respect when you bring her down.”
Niqmiepu went
with them, but Shanika needed to touch him again to convince him it was safe to
enter the flyer that would take them back to camp.
The female was
bound in a sack and placed in back of the flyer. Niqmiepu sat next to Shanika.
They held hands and he told her of the years they hid in the meadow. They were
content until the flying boxes started flying overhead and forced them into the
caves. The boxes flew day and night not allowing them to return to the meadow
for food or water.
The farmer was
transported to HQ on Able Moon Alpha. He cried upon seeing the desolation of
the entire planet. Shanika comforted him as much as she could by holding hand
and letting him know that the Federation would, with his help, turn his world
back to what it was. She imagined in her mind that Ishme and the others would
return and many more, not only farmers, but merchants and hunters as well.
Niqmiepu’s mind
went blank. He wouldn’t believe her lies. He was the last of his kind.
At HQ other
scientists looked him over, touched him and tried to communicate. He was shut
down. Water revived him, but none of the food they placed by him would he eat.
They brought some of the plants and animals that were in the meadow, but he
refused them.
“From what information
we can gather,” Shanika told Governor Maury. “The farmers mature in a year and
have a life expectancy of ten. We’re cloning the seven that were with him in
the meadow.”
“That won’t do
us much good if Niqmiepu dies,” Maury said. “There will be no one to teach them
how to farm.”
“We’ve put him in
stasis. When the others come out of incubation, we’ll revive him and upon
seeing those he’s familiar with, especially his wife, he should be willing to
teach them. From there we can expand the program.”
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
WC 072220
Character names in books I can't pronounce.
First year teaching 7th grade literature and the book has a short story entitled: Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl. In the story they were shortened to Popo and Istla. They are the names of two volcanos that surround Mexico City.
Try Russian history. I once had to give a report on the Prime Minister under Alexander II, Constantine Pobedonostsev. For the life of me I couldn't get it right. I had some Laotian students that were doozies too.
The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn had some really difficult names. It was just glance and go on. Same for his Cancer Ward, and Ninth Circle.
Berthold Gambrel in his science fiction stories thinks up some unpronounceable ones.
Isaac Asimov and Harlan Ellison, in fact almost all Sci-fi writers start off with characters with more consonants than vowels.
Try reading all the begats in Genesis.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
TTT 072120
In 2000 I went to the Southwest Christian Writers Conference in Glorieta, NM. At the time Glorieta was a Southern Baptist Conference Center between Santa Fe and Las Vegas, NM.
It was $80 to attend for a Friday, Saturday half day on Sunday. It was $200 to stay in their dorms. It was an additional $20 for meals and $20 for ten minutes with an editor from one of four publishers.
I chose to drive up and back from home instead of staying overnight. There were numerous seminars all three days on various topics led by established Christian authors. I was working weekends at the LifeWay Christian Book Store in Albuquerque and recognized most of the authors leading the seminars.
The Seminars were enlightening and it was fun meeting and greeting a number of friends from over the years from various churches I'd attended.
What I really went there for was that ten minutes with an editor. I had the specified ten pages of the manuscript and a brief synopsis. All they wanted.
I'd been working on Optimus: Praetorian Guard for six years and thought it was ready.
I signed up for the editor from Zondervan. He read the first paragraph. Told me there were too many Latin names that would confuse the reader and to start over. I needed a hook. He was done in three minutes.
They were the most profitable three minutes of my writing career.
I went back and completely rewrote my first chapter. He wanted a hook, and by God I'd give him one.
This is what I wrote and is the hook for Optimus.
ram! Don’t fail me now!” Optimus raised his fist punching the wall above his
head. The girl beside him stroked his broad shoulders kissing him passionately.
There was no response.
frustration he looked at the woman it took a night’s gambling to bed: pale
blonde hair—real blonde, not dyed. Like spider silk when he followed it with
his hands all the way down to the middle of her back. Eyes the brightest blue
he’s ever seen, with arching eyebrows, the kind of eyes that a man could look
at for an eternity. Skin almost translucent, the palest white; a small button
nose and red thin lips. Truly this was a face that could cause wars. Why do my loins refuse to be stirred?
shifted her body to rub up against him in another attempt to arouse the
sleeping. He felt her youthful round breasts and smelled the rose water in her
hair. Such a smell and touch would normally make him rigid for an hour—tonight
nothing. Sweat fell off his upper lip into his mouth; he could taste the effort
of trying to be a man. Thundering, “Jupiter Optimus Maximus, what is wrong with
the drink,” she whispered in her native tongue. “We sleep now, try again in
gently hugged the beauty; still a virgin the tavern owner promised, yeah right. Accepting defeat in his
efforts to penetrate sitting up against the wall he stared at the girl’s beauty:
She brought back memories of Germania and a girl he married while scouting
across the Rhine. Those happy memories blurred into his current nightmare.
Suddenly the girl’s face shifted. The hair turned an auburn color, the eyebrows
flattened over dark brown eyes and he was looking at a woman he loved. Tears
streamed down as he gripped the girl in his arms tightly trying to ease the
pain constricting his aching heart. The frightened girl thought he would
squeeze the life out of her, but after the initial tight hug he merely sobbed
into her pale fine hair.
held the sobbing and heartbroken soldier for nearly an hour when movement on
the other side of the curtain to her cubicle caught her attention. Slowly the
drape was drawn aside and a man with a sword entered. She tensed at the sight,
and in an instant the giant holding her was on his feet grabbing the intruder
by the throat.
man came up from behind and struck him on the back of the head with the butt
end of his sword. The big man crumpled. A third came in to help drag him away.
The story is about a Roman soldier saved by the Apostle Paul. Paul didn't save choir boys.
Optimus had to be at rock bottom to be reached. There is nothing more rock bottom than being impotent.
A few years after I went to the SWCWC they moved from Glorieta to Ghost Ranch and were twice as expensive. A few years after that and it died.
I would love to go to another one of those kinds of meeting now. Wouldn't it be nice to have another ten minutes with an editor from a publishing house again.
Click here.
Click here.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
A Private Pain, chapter 2
On the fourth
planet of a red sun was fertile land with lush vegetation. Teaming oceans filled
with aquatic animals. All life centered on the warmth of Buzi, the water, both
fresh and salt, soil, and the tillers.
The oceans,
rivers and streams developed life similar to all other planets with similar
atmosphere and abundance of water and land.
On land the
vegetation grew giving life to all other forms of life. Insects crawled and buzzed.
Herbivores ate the vegetation. Predators: reptilian, avian, mammalian and other
types feasted on the plants, insects, and herbivores and each other. Primates,
the apex predators, lived off all the abundance.
There were
three types of primates. The hairy Prails stood around five to six feet in
height. They had hands with apposable thumbs making them capable of using
tools. They discovered fire and its use. They built houses to live in, married
and had families. They had no tails. The four to five-foot, smooth skinned
Drails were hunters. Their arms ended in sharp ivory spikes. The males were
round with a sharp point, used for stabbing their prey. The females were thin
with a sharp edge used for skinning, slicing, dicing and chopping their food.
The Prails and
Drails fought over the sources of food for centuries. The Prails used tools
such as bows and arrows, spear and clubs. The Drails were deadly with their
ivory arms. The Grails or tillers were left alone. Other predator animals
culled their ranks, but the Prails and Drails left them alone. The tillers made
all land life possible. The nutrients in their tails made the soil fertile.
The six to
seven-foot tall Grails didn’t eat or drink. Their skin absorbs moisture and they
feast on the nutrients in the soil they till. They were covered in a thick coat
of smooth hair, not like the course, curly fur of the Prails. They had eyes and
ears for sight and hearing, but no mouth. They were mute as there was not need
for speech. Their communication was by touch.
They were not
male and female as the other primates. There was the mother, the one who gave birth,
and the nurturer, the one who fed their young. The mother had an abdominal
orifice through which the child birthed. The nurturer had breasts to feed the
child for the first season.
They tilled the
soil during the dry season close to the equator, In other climes, during the
warm season. From sun up to sun down they left furrows in their path. The
mother with the thin sharp-edged tail that cut the soil, walked in front, The child
with soft tail was behind mother carried by the nurturer. The nurturers’ larger
round tail dug the furrow. For months they walked in a straight line following
the path of the herd beasts that left the ground barren. For the whole season
they tilled the plains, meadows, valleys and sides of hills and mountains.
When the
seasons changed, they huddled in groups of a hundred. They sought shelter from
the weather under trees and other large leafed plants. Upon finding their spot
they planted their tails in the ground. The mother’s tail fit into a slot in
the nurturers and they remained bound together and to the soil for the whole season.
Midway through the season the mother began the life of another child. The one
they guarded while tilling huddled beside them and would find a mate during the
next tilling season.
The season of
rest was the most dangerous. All animals left them alone during tilling season.
Should any avian or ground predator try to attack them they found the ivory
tails deadly.
During rest season they were tethered to the
ground and unable to protect themselves. The older pairs took their places on
the outside of the huddle. They were least likely to survive the next seasons planting
and their place would be taken by the young couples. Of the hundred pairs, by
the next tilling season they would be down to sixty, but there would be that
many new pairs from the previous season’s young.
For millennia life
remained the same over the entire planet. There was a delicate balance of nature
and all life prospered and thrived. Then the hunters came.
Federation Control
Matthew Fontaine
Maury and his team arrived at Able corporate headquarters one hundred years
after landfall. His vanguard was fifty Federation operatives. Twenty were special
forces and well-armed. Ten including himself were administrators. Ten were auditors
and the others were scientists.
The hundred years of plunder was at an end.
The corporations were pushing the boundaries of known space and frontiers and this
always created chaos and anarchy. The Federation gave them a hundred years of
unfettered profit, then they established law and order. Maury and his team were
the vanguard responsible for civilizing the David System.
Virgocorp. HQ
was still on Alpha Moon Able. Maury thought, by now they should be well
established on planet Able. A huge red flag.
Being greeted
by VC executives his group were given quarters and allowed to rest since it was
Able Moon Alpha’s midnight.
Maury met with
the team. “Each of the scientists take a guard and explore this complex. Find an
observatory and look at planet Able. Why are they still headquartered here?
Report in two days.”
The team reassembled.
Maury pointed at the person to his right. “For the last ten years noting has been
able to grow on Able,” Audrey Smith, the biologist, said. The whole planet’s
Maury gave her
a double take, “How is that possible?”
Juan Esteban,
the anthropologist, answered, “When the planet was first discovered there were
numerous indigenous groups. Two distinct species of sentient life. One group
were merchants the other hunters. They existed off a third group that farmed.
The merchants resembled great apes, the hunters more monkeys with their forward
arms made of very sharp ivory. The farmers didn’t speak, build tools or use fire.
They gathered in small family clusters. All species are now extinct.”
Maury was
impatient, “How did they farm without tools?”
“It’s rather
strange from what’s been documented, they could never determine the sex of this
species. One of the pair had a tail of ivory around four feet in length that
was thin and sharp edged. The other one had an ivory tail that was six feet in length,
but it was six inches in width with a sharp point. The first one would lead, and
the tail would cut into the ground. The other one holding the first from behind
would dig the furrows.”
“I’m sure you
find this fascinating,” Maury said, impatiently, “How did these species become
“I think I know
that sir,” Janice Pullman the head of security answered, “The farmers didn’t
follow the rules of being sentient beings and were considered game. They were
hunted for their tails and meat.”
Getting a
little exasperated, “And???” Maury blurted out.
The biologist answered,
“When the farmers were wiped out, corporate farmers began tilling the soil. For
the first decade they grew respectable crops, but then the soil became
depleted. The two sentient species adapted to our food, but when all our
methods of fertilizing the soil failed Virgocorp shifted manufacture of food to
the moons. There wasn’t enough to feed the indigenous population and most of
them died of starvation.”
Shocked at the
horror of what he’d heard, “They wiped out all sentient life on this planet?”
“Not quite, sir”
Audrey said. They’ve set up a preserve on the smallest continent and preserved
embryos to bring back the sentient species from extinction.”
Looking at the
biologist, “Can you explain how an entire planet became sterile?”
“Sir,” she lowered
her head, “The conclusion of the biologist working for Virgocorp concluded that
the ivory in the tails of the farmers provided certain necessary nutrients for
replenishing the soil. When they became extinct the soil became sterile.”
Maury thought
of something, “What about the oceans? The planet is 85% water.”
“Records indicate,”
Nathan Williams, the historian, said, “Virgocorp completely depopulated the
oceans, lakes, rivers and streams of all edible aquatic life in the first
twenty years.”
Maury exploded,
“They did what?”
“Virgocorp leased
the extraction of aquatic life to Orioncorp who has a high demand for sea food,”
Williams answered.
Maury started
pacing to calm down, “I’d like to talk with this corporate biologist.”
responded, “The man was fired and sent back to Virgo Prime five years ago. He
left hidden files that only I could access, sir.”
The captain
raised his right eyebrow.
The biologist
continued, “It’s not the first-time corporate scientists were fired a few years
before Federation personnel arrived. We’ve developed a way of accessing their
research that corporate can’t delete.”
“That’s a lot
of information to digest,” he waved them away. “Go get some rest, good work all
of you.”
developing the technology for space exploration at light speed and interdimensional
transportation a pattern developed. It took money to pay for the long-range exploration
ships to reach solar systems and set up the ITD’s. All mineral and non-sentient
life were exploitable for this time period. The only restriction was on
sentient life forms. Those who could manipulate tools, the ability to speak,
build fire, create cultures, villages, towns, cities. They were to be left unharmed.
If the planet
or planets were civilized, they were encouraged to become trading partners. If
capable of space flight they were encouraged to join the corporation as junior
The maxim
established on Terra Prime in antiquity still held: When two cultures intersect
the more technological dominates.
For ten
thousand years as the Terran Federation has cleaned up the mess the corporations
left after a hundred years of unfettered control of a solar system. The
indigenous populations didn’t take kindly to being invaded and their resources plundered.
Entire species of sentient life were exterminated until the Federation imposed
punitive sanctions on the Corporations.
The corporate
officers were removed and replaced to set an example. The hardest part of
making people accountable is that by the time the Feds discovers the problem
the ones who were responsible were either in old age or dead. The current corporate
leaders claim innocence.
The corporations took a page out of American
history for indigenous peoples and set up reservations. Once the corporation removed
all extractive substances, they began using the solar system for colonization
and transportation centers.
The Feds stepped
in and restored order. The indigenous population was given a planet or
terraformed moon to live their lives without interference. Those that wished to
assimilate were encouraged, enculturated, educated and brought into the
alliance fold.
Corporation stepped over the line on planet Able. A mere fine isn’t going to be
near enough to restore the damage done. If it can be undone at all. It’s not feasible
to feed a planet twice the size of Terra Prime, much less a whole solar system
with hydroponics and aeroponics. It would be cost prohibitive to feed the
system through ITD’s.
“With every
breath in my body I’m going to make sure the David Solar System is confiscated
from Virgo Corporation and placed under the protectorate of UFA.”
Going to the
DTD Maury transported back to Virgo Prime. Two days later he returned with a
thousand scientists and two hundred thousand security personnel.
Groves, the Governor of David met Maury at the DTD. The personnel he brought
was already through and heading to a reserved module.
Maury”, Groves addressed him with a supercilious attitude. He wasn’t used to
being ignored by anyone. “Your actions are very rude. “You leave without meeting
me and return with an invasion force.”
Maury felt like
slapping him in handcuffs and sending back to Virgo Prime to face charges of
genocide. I just might, if he keeps acting like an ass. “Governor Groves,
Virgocorp has in the time allotted them to exploit the natural resources of
this solar system turned the one planet capable of supporting life into a barren
rock and murdered the sentient indigenous population. Those sentient beings,
who if not left to starve, might have become a welcome addition to our alliance.”
Lifting his
hands in a placating manner, “Inspector Maury I inherited this condition, this
is how I found it. I was the one who set up the cryogenic labs to salvage
sentient life once the planet becomes sustainable again.”
Giving the man
a look of total disdain, “Locusts couldn’t have done this much damage.”
Puffing himself
up, “What do you intend to do, sir?”
“I’ve already
turned in my report. For the first time in over a thousand years Virgocorp will
be brought before a corporate tribunal on Terra Prime. If found guilty of these
and other charges we’ll discover, your charter will be revoked, and the Ministry
of Reclamation will be given control of the David system.”
“Then we have nothing
further to discuss,” the man said turning around and leaving.
“Colonel,” he
said to the highest-ranking member of the security team near him. “Arrest that
man and all the corporate management team. Have them transported to Terra Prime
within the next three days.”
# # # # #
Maury gave a
press conference that was broadcast throughout the David system.
“This is the dictate of the United Terran Alliance
Judicial Review Board:
David solar system is under Alliance quarantine.
exploitation of the system is to stop immediately.
trade will cease.
Virgocorp personnel not deemed essential to the continued function of all the
stations on the planet and elsewhere within the system will be evacuated.
alliance will begin replacing those left here within a year.
full investigation of the genocide against the sentient indigenous population will
be conducted with the possibility of punitive measures taken against Virgocorp
and its officers for the past one hundred years. Current corporate officers will
be charged with negligence for not cleaning up the mess.
ministry of reclamation will begin the process of repairing the damage done to
all the indigenous species that were present when the system was discovered.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
WC 071520
Today's topic is: Things I collect.
The obvious answer: Books. I still have college textbooks from 1972-76. Love those Norton Anthologies.
Other stuff: LP's, 45's, CD's music, DVD's movies. I didn't intend to collect them, but somehow when a favorited item comes out and it hits the shelves they add up. My wife has over 50 Elvis albums, and that was before we got married. I'm not the only pack rat in the family.
Odd stuff:
Hats, when I was golfing I bought a hat at every golf course I played at. I also got a number of PGA U.S. Open hats by being a member.
Tea sets, I've got a china hutch full of different sets. I'm a tea drinker and love making a pot of tea and sipping out of a cup having a lovely conversation with friends.
Old cameras. I didn't collect them, they were Dad's and I inherited them. I have an original Polaroid, and about six of the old box cameras that you look down to sight the target. They make great slides. I also have antique 35mm cameras from the 40's and 50's.
Slides and pictures. Again I inherited my parents, in-laws, grand-parents. I scanned all the slides two years ago and digitized them. 90% I tossed because my mother didn't know who the people were, and I sure as hell didn't, or they were scenery: mountains, lakes, city streets. I still have a tub full of the ones I kept.
Anne Littlewolf's paintings. We went to college together and were good friends. Twenty years after we graduated we got in contact with each other and she's a well known painter in these parts. I have two of her works hanging on my walls.
She's moved to the Monzano mountains and before the pandemic we'd get together and raise a little hell at some poor dining establishment.
The obvious answer: Books. I still have college textbooks from 1972-76. Love those Norton Anthologies.
Other stuff: LP's, 45's, CD's music, DVD's movies. I didn't intend to collect them, but somehow when a favorited item comes out and it hits the shelves they add up. My wife has over 50 Elvis albums, and that was before we got married. I'm not the only pack rat in the family.
Odd stuff:
Hats, when I was golfing I bought a hat at every golf course I played at. I also got a number of PGA U.S. Open hats by being a member.
Tea sets, I've got a china hutch full of different sets. I'm a tea drinker and love making a pot of tea and sipping out of a cup having a lovely conversation with friends.
Old cameras. I didn't collect them, they were Dad's and I inherited them. I have an original Polaroid, and about six of the old box cameras that you look down to sight the target. They make great slides. I also have antique 35mm cameras from the 40's and 50's.
Slides and pictures. Again I inherited my parents, in-laws, grand-parents. I scanned all the slides two years ago and digitized them. 90% I tossed because my mother didn't know who the people were, and I sure as hell didn't, or they were scenery: mountains, lakes, city streets. I still have a tub full of the ones I kept.
Anne Littlewolf's paintings. We went to college together and were good friends. Twenty years after we graduated we got in contact with each other and she's a well known painter in these parts. I have two of her works hanging on my walls.
She's moved to the Monzano mountains and before the pandemic we'd get together and raise a little hell at some poor dining establishment.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Monday, July 13, 2020
Part 1 of a Private Pain
A Private Pain
By Patrick Prescott
shiver huddled in a lonely cave
shout, I rant, I rave.
game of life has been played
I don’t know how I strayed.
ache within my chest
give me no peaceful rest
am Niqmiepu of the farmer Grails
farmed with the ivory in our tails.
sowed the ground in a single pass
all around me is not a single blade of grass.
from the sky
to kill and we didn’t know why
traded with the Prails
allied with the Drails
chase us down
slaughter in every town.
was the ivory they sought,
Too late we vainly fought.
all the farmers killed
of the land is tilled
fallow our soil does lie
Prails and Drails now die.
there was only Ishme
was my wife, and me.
hurriedly fled
feet sorely bled
we rested by a tree
was no one we could see.
my wife was hurt
her face was covered in dirt.
holed up in this cave
for food we began to crave.
grew thin as a rail
as white as her tail.
in a fever I perspired
breath gradually expired
on her side she did lie
I watched her die.
buried her with dust and tears
was the last of my peers.
sweet death
my lonely breath
race is lost
tremendous cost
tail I kept
eyes have wept
those who died
for those who tried
save my race
there is no place
us to live
no love for me to give
sweet death
my lonely breath.
# # # # #
Moon Fall
observed Yeoman Lotz stir in the stasis tube. The beginning of thawing. She
whispered softly to the 25-year-old woman, “This will be over soon. You’ve been
in stasis for ninety years.”
Lotz never heard the computer. She was in cellular rejuvenation and as each
cell in her body thawed it stimulated the central nervous system which broadcast
the sensory overload to the cerebral cortex. Unfortunately, the brain was not
sufficiently thawed to release endorphins to lessen the pain.
Izzy Lotz became aware of more than the excruciating pain. Memories came back
of boarding the Virgo Exploratory Ship Arrow. Being put into the stasis tube.
It felt like only a few minutes before the burning began.
year before graduation from the Virgo Corporation Exploratory Academy, she was
placed in stasis for a month. It was painful upon awakening, but that was a pin
prick in comparison to being skinned alive.
stasis tube extended and the top opened. Hands reached down and lifted her onto
a gurney. The sheets she rested on were warm and the ones placed on top of her
were even warmer. Slowly her eyes opened to a dark room. There was just enough
light for her eyes to focus on a shadow hovering over her.
Something was in her mouth. A tube was forcing air into her lungs. She tried to lift her hands, but they as well as the rest of her body was in restraints.
Something was in her mouth. A tube was forcing air into her lungs. She tried to lift her hands, but they as well as the rest of her body was in restraints.
Lotz, can you hear me?” A soft voice asked. “If you can, blink your eyes.”
continued, “Commander Corbin is going to remove your breathing apparatus. Do
not struggle or try to speak. Do you understand?”
blinked again.
shadow reached down and pulled out the tube. Warm air rushed in causing intense
pain along her airway and each alveoli filled it intensified the agony. The restraints
kept her from thrashing around and the apparatus that held the tube in place
held her vocal cords firm so she couldn’t scream which would have shattered
struggle, the stupid computer says, she thought. Does she think I’m made out
of wood?
the strain against the bindings eased up, the hands started pulling out the
apparatus. The hard rubber stopper secreted fluid before sliding out and the
pain was minimal.
observed Yeoman Lotz start moving her jaw. The computer slowly started
loosening the bindings. The lights began to brighten so Izzy could see
Commander Corbin hovering over her.
Commander Judy Corbin slowly lifted the young girl to a sitting position. “The
first times always the roughest,” she said.
tried to say what she was thinking but with her vocal cords still stiff and
tongue not any better, it came out as “AGGRRRRAAARRRGGAAAA”
smiled at her, “That’s what we all say upon awakening.”
helped Izzy into a warming robe and supported her from the gurney to an anti-gravity
chair. Taking her to the IOWS (Internal Organ Warming Station) the hatch
opened. Helping Izzy through the hatch and into the webbing, she took the robe
and left.
found centuries earlier that the extremities warmed up easier than internal
organs. Once the lungs, heart and circulatory system became operational the
stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, spleen, and gall bladder needed time to
function fully. In emergency situations time was something they didn’t have.
The scientists found that sexual intercourse helped jump start the other
systems, but the body wasn’t capable of vigorous coitus on a bed even at ¼ G,
thus the IOWS.
* * * *
John Dennedy was in the engine room running diagnostics with Petty Officer
Qupidic Ergoxinj. He’d been awakened two weeks earlier and was getting the feel
of the ship before Qupidic and Corbin went into stasis.
was his third and last voyage. Like all recruits he left on the first mission
at age twenty-five. He was now in waking age fifty-five. It was over three hundred
since he was born by the Federation chronology.
voyage the crew were awake and working on the ship for around twelve years. It
took a hundred years to reach their target solar system. All crew worked the
year before landfall to get the ship ready for landing. It took another year to
build a base camp and erect the Interdimensional Transportation Device or ITD,
but everyone called it the “Portal.”
if everything went well, but that seldom happens. If something goes wrong and
more hands are needed on deck the crewmember or members proficient in fixing
the problem could be active for a year or more and then put back in stasis. On
the second voyage he was awake for a year on two occasions and this trip he was
needed off and on for five. By the time Arrow reached their destination he’d be
over sixty.
captain of the ship he commanded the last ten years of the hundred-year trip.
Protocol dictated that he would spend the last ten years with the least
experienced female member of the crew. The perk here was that he got to
interview all the recruits and take his pick. It wasn’t an easy choice. The
recruits spent ten years learning everything about an exploration ship and were
accomplished in every aspect. They were also twenty-five and very healthy.
over their folders and recommendations he was saddened that the demands of an
exploration ship prohibited children. All explorers sacrificed reproduction and
were sterilized.
interviewed five of the ten applicants. He chose Izzy Lotz. As they went into
stasis and the ship left their last solar system, he had no regrets.
Lotz was assigned to replace the previous captain and as protocol demanded they
lived together for six weeks to get used to each other as they would be mated
for ten years. Any issues of incompatibility and the recruit was rejected.
During that time, they would use the IOWS three times. The crew referred to it
as the “Coitus Chamber.”
# # # # #
announced, “Yeoman Lotz is in IOWS, Captain.”
Mom,” he said.
Qupidic on his elongated neck (there wasn’t a shoulder) he smirked, “Once more
into the breach, dear friend.”
Izzy waited. The webbing was designed for zero G, and until Captain Dennedy arrived it abraded her super sensitive skin. She recalled the six weeks they lived together and the three previous zero G sessions. John was a kind and generous man. He was handsome and his experience helped her overcome any shyness due to her youth and inexperience.
Izzy waited. The webbing was designed for zero G, and until Captain Dennedy arrived it abraded her super sensitive skin. She recalled the six weeks they lived together and the three previous zero G sessions. John was a kind and generous man. He was handsome and his experience helped her overcome any shyness due to her youth and inexperience.
hatch slid open and she saw him enter. He’s aged. Must have been some
problems and he’s been out of stasis.
helped him enter the webbing and it tightened. The room started spinning and
soon they were in zero G.
Dennedy,” Mater said as the chamber returned to ¼ gravity. “Yeoman Lotz vital
signs are now in acceptable parameters.”
Mom,” he said. He gave Izzy a lingering kiss, then climbed out of the webbing.
continued, “Commander Corbin has entered stasis. My sensors indicate that we
are currently on course with all systems in operational order. You have the
next six hours for rest and recuperation.”
take it under advisement, Mom,” John said.
the millionth time he wished the nerds that designed ship computers didn’t
choose a bossy female voice. Some psychologist told them that the sound of a
mother’s voice would make the crew respond to its dictates. To him it was just nagging. What he learned on his first voyage, though, was don’t piss off the
computer. Mater could make your life a living hell.
Lotz,” Mater continued, you’re scheduled for hydroponics. Petty Officer
Ergoxinj is waiting to brief you on the status of all your duties.”
Mater,” she croaked. Her voice hadn’t been used for ninety years.
Arrow was five hundred meters long and one hundred meters wide. It was built seven
hundred years earlier in a zero-gravity shipyard. Its superstructure was a
metal frame with thirty square spaces designed to house a fifty-meter squared
module. Above the superstructure were six additional modules for living
quarters and living sustainability. Under the superstructure were six modules
for propulsion.
A year before reaching the target solar system all crew members were awakened and preparation for landfall began.
It took five weeks, but all twenty crewmembers were out of stasis. Six months later science officer Tupac Mupac found the moon most viable for landing.
“Captain,” he said. “The fourth planet from red star CV145789 is inhabited.”
It took five weeks, but all twenty crewmembers were out of stasis. Six months later science officer Tupac Mupac found the moon most viable for landing.
“Captain,” he said. “The fourth planet from red star CV145789 is inhabited.”
Mister Mupac?” The captain asked.
Lieutenant Mupac replied, “Class 2 in size at roughly
60,000 kilometers in circumference. It has an oxygen, nitrogen atmosphere, four continents and is 85% water
with polar caps comprising 30% of the water. There are three moons the largest
20,000 kilometers in circumference. Trace amounts of water in frozen form are in
the bottom of impact craters. The other two moons are 8,000 and 6,000
kilometers in circumference. All indications are that the moons are undisturbed
in mineral extraction. They are pristine.”
of the planet's inhabitants?” Dennedy asked.
they are at stone age level. They rely on combustibles for heating, but there’s
not any indication of metallurgy.”
Corbin, make your heading for the largest of the moons. We’ll set up shop there,”
Dennedy directed.
at the rest of the crew, “We’re six months from landfall as Mr. Mupac mentioned.
Let’s put our heads together and come up with more acceptable names for this system than 145789.”
days of intense poker resulted in Levi Goldman getting the right to choose the
names. CV145789 was named Samuel, the largest gas giant: Isaiah, Second largest
gas giant: Jeremiah, Third largest gas giant: Ezekiel. The eight solid planets
were named in order of distance from the star: Adam, Eve, Cain, Able, Seth, Methuselah,
Noah, and Javan. The habitable planet was Able.
entered orbit around Alpha Moon Able. The bridge and the skeletal frame would
remain in orbit. Thirty modules landed and the process of building a base camp
and the portal began.
# # # # #
Four months and the deaths of three crewmembers from accidents; the portal was
operational. Erecting the habitats in hostile environments was dangerous.
The coordinates of Virgocorp’s Staging Area a hundred light years away were entered into the computer and Captain Dennedy stepped through the portal. The device sent him to an empty dimension and then to VCSA in a matter of seconds. He didn’t even need oxygen.
The coordinates of Virgocorp’s Staging Area a hundred light years away were entered into the computer and Captain Dennedy stepped through the portal. The device sent him to an empty dimension and then to VCSA in a matter of seconds. He didn’t even need oxygen.
entered an empty room. Sensors picking up his movement triggered an alarm and
heavy footsteps converged on his location. He was quickly surrounded by weapons
he didn’t recognize.
been a hundred years, they’ve made improvements. Raising his hands,
“Captain John Dennedy of VES Arrow. We’ve made landfall.”
of the armed men approached. Dennedy handed over the data files which included
the coordinates to CV-145789 now named Samuel.
was escorted to a holding cell until the data was analyzed. This was his second
time being processed. Those who processed him back in that day were long dead
and these are their great-great-grandsons and daughters.
portal started emitting a warning of incoming traffic. Sixteen of the twenty original
crew of the Arrow stood in their space suits waiting for corporate arrival.
first suited men came through running and fanned out in a circle with weapons
pointing in all directions. The crew were quickly forced to their knees and under
delegation of ten emerged. All went to the command module which was the largest
of all the modules and the living area. For the next week the crew were debriefed
on the last hundred years. What they said was compared to their logs and
computer records. Once Virgocorp was convinced, they did not have contact with
any of the other thirty corporations in the Terran Federation they were placed
back in stasis.
steady flow of men and material flowed through the portal. Structures were erected
and pieces of vehicles were assembled. Hydroponic and aeroponic greenhouses
began the process of providing food and producing oxygen.
Dennedy returned after a month long debrief with four new crew members. Two of the crew members who died were men. Yeoman Lotz was the other.
He turned the new crew members over to acting Captain Corbin and returned to Virgo Prime for his well-earned retirement. She had two men to choose as her mate. He knew she'd make the best of it.
He turned the new crew members over to acting Captain Corbin and returned to Virgo Prime for his well-earned retirement. She had two men to choose as her mate. He knew she'd make the best of it.
# # # # #
hundred and two years later Captain Corbin passed through the portal to tender
her first report after a successful voyage to the next solar system in the
Arrow’s path.
expected to be surrounded by armed men, but these didn’t wear the uniforms of
Virgocorp. They were Federation Marines.
name and ship.” The man walking towards her demanded.
Judy Corbin of the VES Arrow,” she answered. She put out her hand with the data
chip of the voyage.
man in full battle dress took the chip. “Captain Corbin, Virgo Corporation no
longer exists. The Federation has confiscated all properties. You will remain
here for interrogation; your crew will be brought back here. The ship and all it’s
contents as well as the solar system you’ve entered are now under Federation
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